Relational Operator

Relational Operator

The operators that are used to specify a relation between two expressions or values are known as relational operators.
> Greater Than
It is used to test if one expression is greater than the other expression.
>= Greater Than or Equal To
It is used to test if one expression is greater than or equal to the other expression.
< Less Than
It is used to test if one expression is less than the other expression.
<= Less Than Or Equal To
It is used to test if one expression is less than or equal to the other expression.
== Equal To
if e1 and e2 are two expressions then:
if e1 is equal to e2 then expression returns TRUE value
!= Not Equal TO
it is used to test if one expression is not equal to the other expression:

If x=10, y=20, and z=5 then find out the output of the following relational expressions.

Relational Expression OutPut Returned
x>y False
y<z False
y!=x True
x==z False
x<=y True
z>=y False
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Pakistan How by Tahira Aijaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.